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31. 7. 2024

Prevention and treatment of urinary tract infection


Urinary tract inflammation is one of the most common infectious diseases, and its causative agents are primarily bacteria from the genus Enterobacteriaceae (mainly E.Coli - under certain circumstances and correctly located in the digestive tract, its action is beneficial). In addition, streptococci, pseudomonads, etc. are involved in urinary tract infections. A specific group are sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, human papillomavirus - HPV, herpes viruses and others).

Women are more susceptible due to the position and length of the urethra.

Symptoms include:

  • frequent or painful urination,
  • burning or cutting (especially at the end of urination),
  • urge to urinate
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • cloudy urine
  • elevated temperature.

If the problems persist for more than three days and other more serious symptoms appear (back pain, fever, blood in the urine), it is necessary to see a doctor.

Options for prevention:

  • sufficient drinking regime (approx. 2 liters of fluids per day),
  • avoid catching cold
  • do not hold back urine (risk of multiplying bacteria),
  • compliance with the hygiene regime (e.g. use of antibacterial washing gels, preference for showering),
  • comfortable cotton underwear,
  • strengthening immunity (enough fruit and vegetables, use of suitable preparations), etc.

Over-the-counter preparations can be used:

  • urological teas,
  • cranberry extract,
  • E.Coli lysate,
  • D-mannose,
  • tincture of watercress etc.

When choosing a suitable treatment, do not hesitate to consult your pharmacist.

Free according to the web portal of the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy for the public Lékárnické kapky, 29/07/2024