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21. 6. 2021

How to properly treat summer injuries


Wound healing depends on many factors, but the most important thing is proper treatment.

The number one rule in the treatment of any injury is its proper disinfection and removal of any impurities from the wound. Antiseptics available in the form of sprays, solutions or ointments can be used to disinfect the skin or mucous membranes in humans. These preparations contain various active substances:

  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • benzododecinium,
  • carbethopendecinium,
  • octenisept,
  • iodine (possible allergic reaction, not in children under 6 months).

The dressing material protects the wound from possible infection and provides an ideal environment for the healing process. Currently, the so-called wet healing method is preferred in the treatment of acute superficial wounds (fatty tulle, amorphous gel, etc. can be used). Other suitable dressing materials are, for example:

  • finished bandages (include compression and bandage),
  • spray dressings,
  • patches with a pillow,
  • hydrocolloid patches,
  • patch stitches,
  • sterile x non-sterile cover,
  • fixation bandages,
  • coil patches,
  • pruban,
  • three-pronged scarf, etc.

We do not tear off the resulting scab, it naturally separates itself.

In more serious cases of cuts or lacerations that extend into the deeper layers of the skin, a visit to a surgical clinic is a matter of course. In less severe cases, patch stitches can be used (they pull the edges of the wound together and allow for fast adhesion).

Regular wound inspection and treatment is the basis of quick and uncomplicated treatment. Ideally once every 24 hours. Remove the old cover so that the new tissue is not damaged. It is advisable to wash the wound (remove dead cells and mechanical impurities), dry it, disinfect it and repeat the whole process.

Freely according to the press release of ČLnK dated 11 June 2021.