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30. 8. 2024

Unused medicines belong back to the pharmacy!


The end of the holidays seems like an ideal opportunity to carefully sort out the home first aid kit. Unusable medicines include not only expired medicines, but also medicines that have been improperly stored (e.g. at a temperature higher than 25 degrees Celsius) or left open for a long time (this may refer to a stock of medicines from a holiday, etc.).

As a result of the above-mentioned circumstances, the following may occur:

  • changing properties,
  • loss of effectiveness due to a decrease in the amount of the active substance,
  • formation of toxic intermediates,
  • deterioration of the dosage form.

It is necessary to check the medicines regularly and not to expose yourself to the danger of using an invalid product. Unusable medicines are harmful to people and animals, and their improper disposal can have health and environmental consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to return them to pharmacies, where they are collected in special containers and then taken to an incinerator by a certified company. The combustion process takes place at very high temperatures with controlled emissions and under expert supervision.

We accept for disposal at the VFN pharmacy:

– unusable medicines without sharp objects (expired medicines or unused medicines – tablets, ointments, suppositories, solutions, eye drops, individually prepared medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products, medicinal products in the form of plasters and medicines degraded by improper storage),

– pre-filled application systems with an integrated needle ONLY in a special container (clinic box), which is irreversibly sealed after filling (approx. 80 % volume),

– unused original packaging of injectable forms of medicinal products.

Free according to the web portal of the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy, 30 August 2024