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21. 1. 2021

Health is not just a coronavirus


We would like to introduce you to the newly emerging project of the Czech Heart Endowment Fund: Health is not just a coronavirus. The vast majority of infected patients do not die of Covid-19 alone, but as a result of decompensation of existing comorbidities. The main cause is the fear of visiting a doctor. Diabetes, heart disease (mainly acute myocardial infarction and decompensation of heart failure) and, last but not least, an unrecognized and untreated stroke (Woolf, Chapman: Excess Death From COVID-19 and Other Causes, March-April 2020) have the largest share in this group of deaths. ). The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the symptoms of the most serious acute diseases such as acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and stroke (CMP). Emphasis is placed on regular scheduled medical check-ups. A more detailed information leaflet is located in all VFN pharmacy dispensaries. It is important to seek professional medical help in time!

PharmDr. Bohdana Svehlova, PharmDr. Veronika Poloniová