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27. 9. 2023

Flu season is upon us!


Influenza is a contagious viral disease caused by RNA viruses and is transmitted by so-called droplet infection (coughing, blowing or sneezing). It appears regularly in the form of annual epidemics.

It manifests itself in complex symptoms:

  • increased temperature or fever,
  • headache,
  • muscle and joint pain,
  • general weakness.

The severity of the disease can vary (from the absence of symptoms to severe manifestations of the disease).

Groups at risk include:

  • elderly people,
  • people with a weakened immune system,
  • persons with chronic diseases,
  • pregnant women,
  • little children.

The most effective way to prevent the flu is vaccination.

Other forms of prevention:

  • regular sports and strengthening,
  • basic hygiene measures (frequent hand washing, limit movement in the team, disposable tissues, masks, etc.),
  • balanced diet (increased intake of fruits and vegetables),
  • immune system support (vitamin C, zinc, oyster mushroom, echinacea and beta-glucans),
  • enough sleep and rest.


We treat the flu mainly symptomatically, and the choice of therapy depends on the nature of the prevailing symptoms. To reduce fever and treat pain, it is advisable to use preparations containing paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid (not for children under 16). Combined preparations are also available, in which, in addition to the main active substance mentioned above, vitamin C, caffeine, sympathomimetic, antitussive, expectorant and antihistamine also appear. These are mostly over-the-counter preparations. A special group consists of preparations containing pseudoephedrine intended for so-called limited supply (without a medical prescription + presentation of an ID card).

Phytopharmaceuticals or homeopathy can be used as complementary treatment.

An essential part of the treatment is bed rest, enough sleep and fluids.

Another way to treat the flu is causal treatment with antivirals. These tend to be prescribed especially to high-risk patients who are at risk of a serious course of the disease (individually at the doctor's discretion). Sometimes it is necessary, for example, to administer oxygen (oxygen goggles).

Free according to the web portal of the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy for the public Lékárnické kapky, 25/09/2023